Help Keep Your Vehicle Safe While in Storage
Do you have a vehicle in storage or not driving as much as you usually do? While you may not think of vehicle maintenance when it’s idle for a prolonged period, it is very important that you take some steps to make sure your vehicle is road ready when it’s time to drive.
Here are some tips to ensure your vehicle is maintained while it’s parked for an extended time.
1. Tires
Tires naturally lose a bit of air over time. As your tires deflate, your vehicle weight of the vehicle will overload the tires which will cause flat spots to develop on them. If the vehicle weight is left on the tire for an extended period, this will result in permanent damage to your tires.
Regularly check your tires’ pressure to ensure that the air level is sufficient as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. Make sure you add air if they begin to deflate. Here’s a list of products you’ll find at Canadian Tire to help you take care of your tires:
2. Oil Change
Temperature fluctuations can cause your vehicle’s oil to deteriorate whether you’re driving or not. It is important to use time interval instead of a mileage interval to determine when you need an oil change. The time interval is the time that is recommended by the manufacturer between oil changes. The mileage interval is the mileage recommended between oil changes.
Visit a Canadian Tire Auto Service Centre near you when it’s time for an oil change.
3. Gas
You may not be concerned about the gas level in your vehicle if you’re not driving it regularly. However, ensuring that your gas tank is topped up is very important. This helps prevent moisture from accumulating inside your gas tank and causing corrosion. This is typically caused by any temperature fluctuations. It may help to add a fuel stabilizer to protect your engine. Checkout MotoMaster Fuel Stabilizer. Available at Canadian Tire.
4. Battery
If you’re not driving your vehicle regularly the battery will lose its charge. Over as little as a couple of weeks a battery can become discharged and your vehicle will not start. And sitting with a low charge will also shorten the overall life of your battery. Start and drive your vehicle at city or highway speeds at least once a week to help charge the battery. Even better, consider using a battery maintainer to help keep your battery in top shape and ensure its longest life. A jump starter could come in handy if you find yourself with a dead battery. At Canadian Tire you’ll find the products you’re looking for with just one click.
- MotoMaster Simple Series 3A Battery Charger & Maintainer
- MotoMaster Eliminator 750A Li-ion Jump Starter
If you attempt to jumpstart your vehicle and it still not working, call Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance and we’ll be there to help!
5. Rodents
As the temperature gets warmer, more rodents are coming out of hibernation. Keeping those tiny critters away from your engine is essential. Rodents may settle in under your hood and chew wires or hoses. They may even make their home in the exhaust outlet resulting in carbon monoxide poising when you’re back on the road. To help prevent this situation, place mothballs, dryer sheets, or cotton balls soaked with peppermint essential oil throughout the internal and external parts of your vehicle to deter rodents from getting in.
6. Parking Brakes
While it’s always a good idea to use parking breaks, using them while a vehicle is parked for a long time can cause damage. If the brake pads are in contact with the rotors for a prolonged period, it can cause them to fuse. To help limit damage use a wheel chock to avoid movement of the vehicle. Below are some suggested products carried at Canadian Tire.
7. Loss of Fluid
Loss of fluids can be common with older vehicles. To ensure you’re aware of fluid loss, place a flattened cardboard box under your vehicle to help you keep track of any loss of fluid you may experience as your vehicle is parked for a long time.
8. External Car Cleaning
Although you may not be driving your vehicle as regularly as you used to, it is very important to maintain regular cleaning practices in order to prevent the onset of corrosion and deterioration. Over the winter, road debris and salt build-up and if left untreated will penetrate into surfaces and could accelerate corrosion. Make sure to wash your vehicle to make sure any salt residue has been removed.
If your vehicle is parked outside your garage you should frequently wash it to help protect your paint. Examples of factors that can damage your paint are water stains, dust, mud, or bird droppings. Finishing your wash with a coat of wax helps provide extra protection from the elements and helps prevent discoloration from harmful UV rays.
As the weather gets warmer, you may want to get a bit extra fresh air and clean your car. Canadian Tire carries a variety of products to help make sure the job gets done.