7-Point Checklist to Winterize Your Car
Winter driving can be full of unpleasant surprises. Overlooking seasonal car maintenance can become a safety concern while on the road. To help ensure your car is ready for winter driving conditions, take a look at this easy checklist.
1. Winter tires
If you are asking yourself, “Do I need winter tires?”, think again. They are designed specifically for winter conditions and cold-weather performance. Here’s why you need winter tires:
- Cold Performance: All-season tires begin to lose flexibility and traction at 7°C. Winter tires retain their flexibility to help provide better control – not only in snow but also on cold, dry pavement.
- Ice & Snow: Winter tires are also engineered to perform under adverse driving conditions, such as in ice, slush, and snow.
- Enhanced Traction: All-wheel drive, ABS and traction-control systems don’t replace the need for proper winter tires. While ABS and traction-control systems help prevent drivers from over braking or overpowering the available traction, they do not provide more grip. Winter tires can help provide better traction on ice, slush, and snow.
- Peace of Mind: No matter what the weather brings, driving with winter tires can help to improve your vehicle’s braking and maneuverability in winter conditions.
2. Battery
You might not have known it, but hot summers can be very harsh on batteries! Your vehicle’s ability to start isn’t something you should take for granted through the Canadian winter. It is always a good idea to have your battery and other electrical systems checked to help ensure your vehicle starts when the temperatures drop.
3. Antifreeze/Coolant
It is important to have your vehicle’s coolant levels checked prior to the winter season. Fresh coolant is less likely to freeze and can help prevent rust and corrosion from building up in your cooling system.
4. Synthetic Oil
Frigid temperatures and challenging driving conditions make your engine work even harder. An easy way to help keep your engine running smoothly this winter is to keep up with your oil and oil filter changes. Upgrading to synthetic oil can help provide added protection against engine wear in harsh conditions and extreme cold temperatures.
5. Wiper Blades
It’s very important to replace old wiper blades showing signs of damage or wear to ensure clear down road visibility. Having the right wipers that don’t skip, streak or split can make all the difference.
6. Safety Kit
“Better safe than sorry” is a powerful truth when you’re driving in the winter. Emergency essentials (such as a lug wrench), as well as innovative products (non-flammable emergency fuel or electronic flares), should be kept in the trunk in the case of an emergency. Canadian Tire carries a variety of safety kits to suit every need. Make sure you check them out!
7. Roadside Assistance
Even the most experienced driver can hit a bump on the road. Canadian Tire offers 24/7 roadside assistance across Canada and the U.S.A. With affordable and flexible plans that can cover the car, the driver or the entire family, Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance® has you covered!
Still not sure what plan is right for you? Click here to compare plans.