10 Safety Tips to Help Avoid Collisions with Wildlife
Canada’s breathtaking landscapes make it one of the top countries in the world for road trippers. While road trips are great for taking in the scenes, it’s important to avoid distractions! Canada is also home to many furry and feathered inhabitants, and unfortunately, crashes involving wildlife are a growing problem. Most drivers will only have a couple of seconds to make a decision that can help them avoid the collision.
Here are some tips to help you prevent an encounter with wildlife on the road:
- Watch for Wildlife Warning Signs and follow speed limits. Be extra cautious when you see these signs, especially between dusk and dawn hours when the animals are most active. Keep in mind that darkness, rain, and fog reduce the ability to see them.
- Always scan the road and shoulder ahead of you for animals, especially when driving on unfamiliar rural roads.
- Have high beams on when there’s no oncoming traffic. Pay attention to shining spots on the road, shoulder and in the ditches. This can be a reflection of your vehicle’s headlights in an animal’s eyes.
- When one animal appears, look for more. Many animals often travel in groups.
- Don’t throw food or litter out of the car, as this may attract animals to the sides of roads.
- Consider using vehicle-based animal warning systems that help scare wild animals away from the vehicle. For instance, this Bell Deer Warning Signal produces two separate and unique frequencies via air flow activation to alert animals and to help reduce the risk of collision.
- If it is safe to do so, you should slow down if you see wildlife near or on the road. Be prepared to stop as their behaviour can be unpredictable and leave plenty of room when driving around.
- Avoid erratic wheel movements. Swerving at higher speeds can cause a loss of control of your vehicle creating a dangerous situation for motorists. If a collision is unavoidable, the best tactic is to apply the brakes firmly, remain in your lane and blow the horn.
- Keep your distance from large animals after a collision. For example, an injured deer or moose can try to protect themselves and may behave aggressively. It is recommended that you turn off the engine, turn on the emergency flashers, and call for help.
- Remain alert and always wear a seatbelt.
Remember, if you’re ever in need of accident support, stuck in a ditch, or need a tow Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance is there to help. For assistance dial #TOW or call 1-888-727-7478. Even if you are not a current member, we won’t leave you stranded.
To get help for an injured animal, you can contact: